EdPuzzle: Differentiation, Engagement, Accountability
"Make any video your lesson" is EdPuzzle's tagline, and fittingly, this free and user-enriched website has become the darling of the flipped classroom movement because the it meets the multimedia generation where they are and then truly activates student engagement with interactive video lessons. In this tutorial, I show how to use the site to hold students accountable for their learning without the messy paperwork of handouts and worksheets. I also show how EdPuzzle facilitates automatic grading for multiple choice questions as well as real-time interactive feedback between student and teacher. This tutorial shows real (and therefore less-than-ideal) footage of how you can (subtly yet firmly) hold students accountable for their mastery and progress. Further, the tutorial shows how you can highlight a growth mindset by drawing attention to the features that indicate how many times a student re-viewed a certain segment in order to monitor her understanding -- rather than celebrating how she "got it perfectly the first time."
“讓所有的視頻教訓”是EdPuzzle的標語,並恰當,這個免費和用戶豐富的網站已經成為翻轉課堂運動的寵兒,因為它滿足了多媒體一代,他們是再真正激活學生的參與與互動視頻課程。在本教程中,我展示了如何使用該網站持有學生對自己學習的責任,而不講義和工作表的凌亂的文書工作。我還顯示EdPuzzle如何方便的自動分級為多項選擇題,以及實時的學生和教師之間的互動反饋。本教程演示了如何(巧妙然而堅定)持學生自己掌握和取得進展的責任真正的(因此低於理想)的畫面。此外,該教程演示了如何通過提請注意,表明多少次一個學生再觀察段某以監測她的了解功能突出顯示一個成長的心態 - 而不是慶祝她如何“得到了它完美的第一時間。”我希望您能喜歡請和我聯繫的任何想法或意見 @dvilhotti on Twitter. 否則,隨意訪問我的博客 http://dvilhotti.wix.com/teachunteach.